Living transparency and responsibility

In this section, you will find explanations of important aspects of corporate governance that are orientated towards the principles of sustainability. It contains information on corporate principles and values, compliance, data protection, the principles of sustainable procurement and the company's risk management.

Our principals

Credible, responsible and lawful governance is based on values and principles. Ensinger summarises these standards in six key documents. The mission statement contains core statements on the company's strategic goals and values. The corporate values describe key convictions and decision-making principles that are shared and pursued within the company. With the declaration of principles, Ensinger explains how the company fulfils its due diligence obligations in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). The quality, environmental, energy and occupational safety policies set out standards according to which work should be carried out under these aspects. 
  • The mission statement summarizes key statements on objectives and values that are pursued by everyone involved in the company. The document was published over thirty years ago and co-authored by the company founder, Wilfried Ensinger. 


    We want to promote the use of engineering plastics in industry and trade and develop customized solutions for our customers. 

    Customer orientation 

    We supply products and services that benefit our customers and give them a competitive edge. Our solutions are innovative, high-quality, functional and economical.  

    Leadership role 

    We play a leading and formative role in our markets. 


    We are active worldwide and strive for continuous growth, which is made possible by a constant stream of new products.  

    Continuous improvements 

    We want to consistently optimize our processes in order to manufacture outstanding products, achieve maximum productivity, avoid any waste and continue to reduce costs.  


    We strive for a balanced and fair relationship with our business partners and maintain long-term and solid relationships. 


    We want to generate a profit that allows us to secure the existence and further development of the company and to enable an appropriate return on capital employed.  

    Employee potential 

    Our company is run by committed and qualified employees. We promote the professional and personal development of our employees and actively involve them in the company's activities.  

    Sense of responsibility 

    We expect our employees to show a high degree of initiative, take on responsibility, be motivated, innovative and flexible. We expect our managers to act with foresight, identify with the company's goals and demonstrate exemplary leadership behavior.  

    Environment and applicable law 

    We do our part to protect the environment and respect the applicable laws. 
  • The corporate values describe key beliefs and decision-making principles that are shared and pursued by managers, all employees and the owner family. They play a role in collaboration and decision-making in particular.

    Long-term orientation and independence 

    We look for sustainable and balanced solutions that do justice to the concerns of all parties involved and the environment as far as possible. If possible, the company should remain independent.


    Development and entrepreneurship

    All employees should have the freedom and creative scope to take entrepreneurial risks.


    Plurality and openness 

    We tolerate each other and value diversity and differences between people. We lay facts and problems openly on the table and inform employees about critical issues.


    Respect and trust 

    We show sincere appreciation and initially assume good intentions and good behaviour on the part of the other person.


    Honesty and solidarity 

    We do not lie to each other and do not hide our intentions and motives. We work together across departments and help people in critical situations.


    Technical affinity and analytics 

    As a technically orientated company, we see technical progress and technical plastics as an opportunity to improve our world. When solving problems, we take an analytical approach and work with the help of data and facts.
  • The principles of quality, which are described in this quality policy, are derived from the mission statement. Ensinger undertakes to fulfil the requirements of an integrated management system and to work continuously to improve what has been achieved.  


    The quality of our processes and products forms the basis for our business success. 


    Customer orientation 

    The expectations and wishes of our customers are at the center of everything we do. 



    Our qualified employees contribute to fulfilling our customers' requirements with a sense of responsibility and commitment.  



    We are committed to the continuous improvement of our products and processes. In doing so, we observe the industry-specific requirements. Our aim is to avoid waste and to prevent errors. 
  • The principles of environmental and energy policy, which are described below, are derived from the mission statement. With this policy, Ensinger undertakes to fulfil the requirements of an integrated management system and to work continuously to improve what has already been achieved .


    Our responsibility for the environment prompts us to operate sustainably and to analyze the ecological impact of our actions in advance. 



    Environmental protection depends on everyone's behavior. That's why every employee contributes to environmental protection. To achieve our goals, we provide our employees with the necessary resources and provide regular updates on progress. 



    We continuously reduce the use of natural resources. We endeavor to replace hazardous substances wherever possible. We avoid or reduce waste and emissions.  



    We are constantly improving our processes, resources and products as well as our environmental and energy-related performance.
  • Safe work processes and equipment and maintaining the health of our employees are important to the company. Ensinger undertakes to fulfil the requirements of an integrated management system and to work continuously to improve what has been achieved.  


    Our aim is to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses. We make this possible through risk assessments, sensible protective measures and modern working conditions. 



    We train our employees regularly and maintain a constant dialogue on the implementation of active occupational health and safety on site. 


    Legal conformity 

    We comply with our health and safety regulations, company agreements and relevant laws. 



    We are continuously improving our occupational health and safety performance - true to the motto: one idea better and safer every day. 

Our commitment to human rights – the declaration of principles

Human rights

Respecting human rights - protecting the environment: For Ensinger, this is a fundamental component of responsible corporate governance. It is our aspiration and our goal that human rights and environmental protection are respected and, above all, promoted both in all Ensinger companies and throughout the entire supply chain. Ensinger is subject to the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) as part of the implementation of human rights and environmental due diligence obligations. With its declaration of principles, Ensinger supplements and concretises its requirements for the protection of human rights and the environment. 

The declaration of principles documents Ensinger's stance on respecting human dignity and protecting the climate and the environment. It describes what Ensinger does in concrete terms to implement this fundamental stance in its daily activities in the best possible way. 
These Rules of Procedure summarise all the information about reporting misconduct through Ensinger's whistleblower system – from filing a report of misconduct, to the procedure after filing a report, to the principles that apply to the procedure.
Legally impeccable behaviour and respect for basic rules and regulations not only contribute significantly to successful business operations, but also strengthen relationships with our business partners. Ensinger therefore expects compliance with the law not only from its employees, but also from its business partners. The Code of Conduct for Business Partners summarises these expectations. 

Contacting the human rights officer

We offer you the following options for contacting the human rights officer at Ensinger or reporting a violation within the meaning of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG):


Ensinger GmbH, Compliance, Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 8. 71154 Nufringen, Deutschland

Whistleblower System:


For Ensinger, compliance means more than just adhering to applicable laws. Compliance is an important part of our culture. Our goal is to always act ethically and with integrity. Learn how compliance shapes our culture and guides our daily actions.

Data protection and information security 

Ensinger attaches great importance to the security of digital information. We have introduced comprehensive organisational and technical measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our data. These measures not only protect the existence and integrity of data, but also the sensitive information of our customers, partners and employees. Continuous reviews and adjustments ensure compliance with standards and the ongoing improvement of information security. 

Material Compliance 

Ensinger is aware of its obligations under Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACh) and takes the necessary organisational measures to ensure that its products comply with REACh requirements. In terms of REACh, Ensinger as a plastics processor is a "downstream user" whose main obligation with regard to REACh is to ensure notification and information obligations for its products and mixtures along the supply chain. 

The RoHS Directive serves to restrict the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment in the European Union. Ensinger plastic products do not fall within the scope of the RoHS Directive, but Ensinger supports its customers in the supply chain to fulfil the requirements of the RoHS Directive. Therefore, corresponding declarations of conformity can be provided on request. 

Customs and foreign trade 

As a company based in the EU, Ensinger is subject to the customs and foreign trade regulations of the EU as well as a large number of other regulations. Ensinger takes its customs and foreign trade obligations seriously and complies with them. You can find the AEO certificate here.

Risk management

Every entrepreneurial activity is associated with opportunities and risks, the management of which is a decisive success factor for the further development of the company. 

It is not the task of risk management to avoid risks as far as possible. However, it is important to limit risks to an acceptable level and to control and manage them in a targeted manner. 

Accordingly, processes and guidelines ensure that risk considerations are taken into account in decision-making processes from the outset. The identification and management of opportunities and risks are recorded in risk matrices and evaluated by the divisional managers. Further measures are defined where necessary.

The opportunities and risks identified are summarised and reported to the Management Board and discussed in the Risk & Compliance Committee's regular steering group.