Sustainability. Today for tomorrow.  

Our contribution – Our responsibility

Ensinger is a modern family business. We stand for cutting-edge technology, sustainable business practices and are committed to meeting the social and ecological challenges of our time. Responsible behaviour towards our employees, customers, suppliers and partners in industry and society is important to us. This includes the economical use of resources as well as the development of applications that are produced sustainably and help to reduce the ecological footprint of our customers' products.

Our focus areas


Careful use of the resources available to us and the avoidance of environmental pollution are among the Ensinger Group's most important strategic tasks.


We also want to offer a working environment that goes beyond legal regulations and promotes employee motivation and potential. 


Credible, responsible and lawful governance requires values and principles. The relevant statements are divided into five key documents.

Products & Solutions

Embark on a journey of sustainability with Ensinger to pave the way to a greener future with our products and solutions.