Food safety with detectable compounds

With TECACOMP ID Ensinger offers reliably detectable compounds that are suitable for use in food production.

Application scenarios for detectable Compounds in food industry


  • Detectable cable ties
  • Moulds for confectionery production
  • Production aids such as scoops and knives
  • Articles such as cutting boards and pens
  • Components in production facilities that may come into contact with food
  • Transport boxes and conveyor belts 

Advantages of detectable Compounds

The big advantage of using detectable materials is the quality assurance in the food industry 

  • Safety from unwanted residues in the food
  • Safety from damage to the brand image
  • Safety from incalculable follow-up costs in the event of recalls 
  • X-ray detectable and metal detectable. 

Would you like a personal consultation? We are here for you.



Food and Drug Administration (USA) 

  • 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 177 (FDA 21 CFR177.XXXX)
  • 21, CFR 178 (FDA21 CFR 178.XXXX) 

EU-framework regulation EG1935/2004 

  • Regulation EG 2023/2006 about good manufacturing practice
  • Regulation (EU) Nr. 10/2011 „Plastic Implementation Measure“ PIM 

Prevention instead of risk – our safety package  

We have developed a Detect Kit to be able to test the actual detectability in the real process with real products. Various combinations of particle size and filling level are shown on the cards. 

  Cube length [mm]


2 4 6 8


2 4 6 8


2 4 6 8


2 4 6 8
The results of the live tests serve as a basis for selecting the appropriate compound formulation. 

Our TECACOMP ID portfolio in detail

The following table shows which polymers are available with which degree of detectability.





Colour (RAL)

Detection level


TECACOMP PEEK ID TECACOMP PEEK 450 ID blue - 1014884 PEEK similar 7031 Low-Mid


TECACOMP POM ID TECACOMP POM ID blue - 1055303 POM similar 5014 Mid


TECACOMP PA ID TECACOMP PA66 ID blue - 1014958 PA 66 similar 5003 Mid
TECACOMP PA66 ID blue - 1014961 PA 66 similar 5000 High
TECACOMP PA6 ID blue - 1053686 PA 6 similar 5003 Mid


TECACOMP PP ID TECACOMP PP ID blue - 1061097 PP-H similar 5003 High+
TECACOMP PP ID blue - 1014912 PP-H similar 5000 High
TECACOMP PP ID blue - 1052958 PP-C similar 5000 High


TECACOMP PE ID TECACOMP PE ID blue - 1049852 HD-PE similar 5010 High
TECACOMP PE ID blue - 1014904 LD-PE similar 5003 High
TECACOMP PE ID black (Batch) - 1054878 LD-PE black High+

Ensinger- your reliable partner


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