We promote the use of technical plastics in trade and industry, and develop individual solutions for our customers.
The basis of our actions is the Ensinger mission statement which defines the character of our relations with our business partners and also with our employees, colleagues and the owners of our company. The upholding and preserving of these values will also be the basis of our continued business success.
Our reputation in the market and in the public domain is sustained by the conduct of our employees. The basis of this reputation is the respect for our corporate values, law and order and our internal regulations and directives.
With this Code of Conduct we would like to summarise the most important and imperative standards and provide the employees with a guide for orienting their actions. The most important drivers and first point of contact for all questions in connection with this Code of Conduct are our executives. We expect our executives to actively promote the principles of our mission statement and this Code of Conduct as part of their performance as a role model and communicate this to their employees and ensure they abide by it.
This Code of Conduct is part of the Ensinger risk management system and applies to all group companies and branches of the Ensinger Group. The regulations contained in this Code of Conduct do not create any rights in favour of third parties.
Ensinger brings this Code of Conduct to the attention of its employees in an appropriate manner and at regular intervals and helps them to avoid violations of laws and this Code of Conduct. In particular, it is also the responsibility of the executives to ensure compliance of all employees with this Code of Conduct.
Any employee has the possibility and right to report violations or suspected violations of the Code of Conduct to Ensinger. The employee has the option of his superior or a member of a representative body for employees as the contact regarding this matter. Any employee who exercises this right bona fide will not suffer any disadvantages from this in any form whatsoever and is to be actively protected from such measures.
Nufringen, September 2013
Klaus Ensinger, Managing Director
Dr. Roland Reber, Managing Director