PPSU filament TECAFIL PPSU natural 655px
130.00 EUR

TECAFIL PPSU natural - 1.75 mm

PPSU Filament

Our PPSU filament is based on the polymer polyphenylene sulfone. PPSU is an amorphous material and has long been used in industry as a high performance plastic. It is widely used in industries such as automotive and aerospace.
Due to its high temperature resistance of up to 220 °C (glass transition temperature), PPSU filament is considered heat resistant.
In addition, it has low moisture absorption, high dimensional stability and excellent hydrolysis resistance, making 3D printed PPSU applications suitable for repeated steam sterilization. Compared to PSU and PES filaments, which also belong to the polysulfone group, PPSU filament has better chemical resistance.
Furthermore, PPSU is also resistant to high energy radiation. This allows a wide range of sterilization processes for applications printed with PPSU.
Good mechanical strength, very high impact resistance and high stiffness complement the properties of the PPSU filament.



Chemical designation
PPSU (Polyphenylsulfone)
1.29 g/cm3 (*2)

Main Features

  • high strength
  • inherent flame retardant
  • good chemical resistance
  • good heat deflection temperature
  • high thermal and mechanical capacity

Target industries

Technical details

  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-0-lvl-1
    General material information Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Diameter 1,75 +/- 0,05 mm -
    Spool measurements Ø 52 mm holder -
    Spool measurements 55 mm width -
    Spool measurements Ø 200 mm outer diameter -
    Spool Material Polycarbonate - -
    Filament Load per Spool 500 g -
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-1-lvl-1
    Mechanical properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Tensile strength 74,4 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Tensile strength 71,9 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation XZ DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Tensile strength 59,4 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Modulus of elasticity
    (tensile test)
    2205,0 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Modulus of elasticity
    (tensile test)
    2093,0 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation XZ DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Modulus of elasticity
    (tensile test)
    2057,0 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Elongation at break (tensile test) 54,0 % 5mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Elongation at break (tensile test) 79,2 % 5mm/min, Orientation XZ DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Elongation at break (tensile test) 5,0 % 5mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Flexural strength 91,0 MPa 2mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 178
    Flexural strength 85,0 MPa 2mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 178
    Modulus of elasticity
    (flexural test)
    2050,0 MPa 2mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 178
    Modulus of elasticity
    (flexural test)
    1900,0 MPa 2mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 178
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-2-lvl-1
    Thermal properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Glass transition temperature 220 C ASTM D 3418
    Melting temperature - C DIN EN ISO 11357
    Deflection temperature 198 C HDT-A ISO-R 75 Method A
    Service temperature 190 C short term -
    Service temperature 170 C long term -
    Thermal expansion (CLTE) 5,5 10-5*1/K DIN EN ISO 11359-1;2
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-3-lvl-1
    Other properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Moisture absorption 0,6 % DIN EN ISO 62
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-4-lvl-1
    Processing parameter Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Nozzle temperature 380 - 420 C -
    Max. melt temperature 450 C -
    Print bed temperature 160 - 230 C -
    Build chamber temperature 160 - 210 C -
    Nozzle diameter 0,4 mm -
    Print speed 30 - 40 mm/s -
    Fan speed 0 % -
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-5-lvl-1
    Predrying Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Drying temperature 120 C -
    Drying time 8 h -