280.00 EUR

TECAFIL PPSU MT XRO yellow - 1.75 mm


TECAFIL PPSU MT XRO yellow is a high temperature 3D printing PPSU filament for medical applications. It is characterised by thermal and dimensional stability as well as X-ray detectability, to name just a few of its properties.

As it is the yellow version of TECAFIL PPSU MT XRO blue, their properties are comparable. Our portfolio of TECAFIL PPSU MT XRO is complemented by grey, red and green colour versions.

This filament has been tested resp. evaluated for biocompatibility according to standard ISO 10993-1, -4, -5, -18 and meets the specified requirements for contact of up to 24 hours with skin and tissue and, if applicable, indirect contact with blood. For the biocompatible plastic materials within the Ensinger MED- / MT-standard-portfolio, a biocompatibility declaration is supplied on an order-related basis. The order-related declaration also serves to provide consistent and for our customers comprehensible traceability of the customer order with regard to the products and the raw materials used.





Chemical designation
PPSU (Polyphenylsulfone)
1.34 g/cm3 (*2)

Main Features

  • x-ray opaque
  • very good sterilisable
  • good chemical resistance
  • high gamma radiation resistance
  • good heat deflection temperature
  • high thermal and mechanical capacity
  • hydrolysis and superheated steam resistant

Target industries

Technical details

  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-0-lvl-1
    General material information Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Diameter 1,75 +/- 0,05 mm -
    Spool measurements Ø 52 mm holder -
    Spool measurements 55 mm width -
    Spool measurements Ø 200 mm outer diameter -
    Spool Material Polycarbonate - -
    Filament Load per Spool 500 g -
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-1-lvl-1
    Mechanical properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Tensile strength 63,5 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Tensile strength 68,0 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation XZ DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Tensile strength 65,9 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Modulus of elasticity
    (tensile test)
    2243,0 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Modulus of elasticity
    (tensile test)
    2364,0 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation XZ DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Modulus of elasticity
    (tensile test)
    2336,7 MPa 5mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Elongation at break (tensile test) 69,1 % 5mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Elongation at break (tensile test) 82,7 % 5mm/min, Orientation XZ DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Elongation at break (tensile test) 8,7 % 5mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 527-2
    Flexural strength 105,0 MPa 2mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 178
    Flexural strength 101,0 MPa 2mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 178
    Modulus of elasticity
    (flexural test)
    2300,0 MPa 2mm/min, Orientation XY DIN EN ISO 178
    Modulus of elasticity
    (flexural test)
    2130,0 MPa 2mm/min, Orientation ZX DIN EN ISO 178
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-2-lvl-1
    Thermal properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Glass transition temperature 218 C ASTM D 3418
    Melting temperature - C DIN EN ISO 11357
    Deflection temperature 207 C HDT-A ISO-R 75 Method A
    Service temperature 190 C short term -
    Service temperature 170 C long term -
    Thermal expansion (CLTE) 5,6 10-5*1/K DIN EN ISO 11359-1;2
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-3-lvl-1
    Other properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Moisture absorption 0,37 % DIN EN ISO 62
    Melt flow index (MFI) 12 - 17 g/10 min 365°C / 5kg DIN EN ISO 1133
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-4-lvl-1
    Processing parameter Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Nozzle temperature 380 - 420 C -
    Max. melt temperature 450 C -
    Print bed temperature 160 - 230 C -
    Build chamber temperature 160 - 210 C -
    Nozzle diameter 0,4 mm -
    Print speed 30 - 40 mm/s -
    Fan speed 0 % -
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-5-lvl-1
    Predrying Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Drying temperature 120 C -
    Drying time 6 h -