TECACOMP PPS XS black 1014862

Compound based on polyphenylene sulphide with optimised sliding properties


Polyphenylene sulphide (PPS) is known for its outstanding temperature and chemical resistance. In the compound, the modulus of elasticity, compressive strength and heat resistance are additionally improved by adding carbon fibres. Graphite also optimises the sliding and wear properties.

TECACOMP PPS XS black can be used permanently up to 230 °C and for short periods up to 260 °C. It is suitable for moulded parts that are subject to particularly high stresses, such as sealing bodies for the exhaust gas management of turbochargers in vehicles.

The compound has a relatively low density. It absorbs moisture only to a very small extent, therefore hardly expands when heated and is very dimensionally stable. The carbon fibres influence the anisotropy and help to dissipate heat better.


Chemical designation
PPS (Polyphenylensulfide)
1.5 g/cm3


Technical details

  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-0-lvl-1
    Mechanical properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Tensile strength 135 MPa 5 mm/min DIN EN ISO 527-1
    Modulus of elasticity
    (tensile test)
    18500 MPa 5 mm/min DIN EN ISO 527-1
    Elongation at break (tensile test) 0,5 % 5 mm/min DIN EN ISO 527-1
    Impact strength (Charpy) 20 kJ/m2 DIN EN ISO 179-1eU
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-1-lvl-1
    Thermal properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Glass transition temperature 90 C DIN 53765
    Melting temperature 280 C DIN 53765
    Service temperature 260 C short term -
    Service temperature 230 C long term -
    Thermal expansion (CLTE) 10 106*K-1 longitudinal DIN EN ISO 11359-1;2
    Thermal expansion (CLTE) 20 106*K-1 transverse DIN EN ISO 11359-1;2
    Thermal expansion (CLTE) 30 106*K-1 longitudinal DIN EN ISO 11359-1;2
    Thermal expansion (CLTE) 60 106*K-1 transverse DIN EN ISO 11359-1;2
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-2-lvl-1
    Other properties Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Molding shrinkage 0,33 % longitudinal DIN EN ISO 294-4
    Molding shrinkage 0,86 % transverse DIN EN ISO 294-4
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-3-lvl-1
    Processing parameter Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Cylinder/processing temperature 285 - 330 C -
    Mould temperature 130 - 160 C -
  • product-technical-detail-collapse-item-4-lvl-1
    Predrying Value Unit Parameter Norm
    Permissible residual moisture content 0,05 % -
    Drying temperature 140 - 150 C -
    Drying time 4 - 6 h -