
PSU injection moulding

Injection moulded PSU parts

Polysulfones are among the most amorphous thermoplastics, which due to their chemical structure are mainly used in high temperature applications and in high quality technological injection moulded parts.

Injection moulding of PSU compounds

PSU combines high strength at higher service temperatures and is mainly used in injection moulding applications where, in addition to high mechanical stiffness, high continuous service temperatures and high creep strength are required.

PSU injection moulding technology

Injection moulding is the most commonly used method of processing PSU. Pre-drying of the moulding compounds is required. 
High melt and mould temperatures are used during processing because the melts are highly viscous. This reduces molecular orientations and residual stresses thus reducing the susceptibility to stress cracking.
Our moulds and injection moulding machines are ideally designed for processing PSU with optimum processing parameters and temperature control. We ensure perfectly prepared and dried polymer is processed by our injection moulding machines. 
We produce PSU moulded parts at highest quality standards, designs with highly complexity, including technologies such as insert moulding, overmoulding and/or multi-component injection moulding.

PSU injection moulding solutions - application examples

We offer polysulfones for customised injection moulding solutions. They are used in high quality and highly stressed moulded components for applications that are subject to the highest demands in many industrial applications. PSU injection moulded parts also substituting parts  of duromers, metals or ceramics. 
Injection moulded PSU medical products offer high chemical resistance and outstanding resistance to repeated steam autoclaving with exceptional dimensional stability.