Thermoplastic composites with endless, oriented fibre reinforcement are characterised by their outstanding mechanical, thermal and chemical properties and outperform thermoset composites or short-fibre reinforced thermoplastics in many areas. Their beneficial properties make them perfectly suited for applications with high demands on material and part shape or complex applications. Their inherent recyclability also helps achieve a more sustainable use of resources.
The potential of composites can only be fully exploited through a deep understanding and the right combination of their basic components. With over 50 years of experience in the field of thermoplastics, Ensinger offers a broad portfolio of products and services for thermoplastic composites.
We are continuously refining our products, materials and offerings. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, our team provides customer service and technical support tailored to your needs to help you find the best solution for your application.
We are happy to advise and support you – please do not hesitate to contact us.
Due to their outstanding properties, fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP), also known as composites, are already extremely relevant in numerous applications. Until now, composites made of combinations of continuous glass fibres (GFRP) or carbon or carbon fibres (CFRP) with a thermoset polymer matrix such as epoxy resin, so-called fibre-reinforced thermosets, have mostly been used. However, thermosets as matrix materials cannot meet the high demands of high-end applications in all cases.
A family of advanced composites offers more diverse application possibilities: thermoplastic composites. These are fibre-reinforced plastics that have a thermoplastic matrix instead of a thermoset matrix, also known as fiber-reinforced thermoplastic (FRTP). Thermoplastic composites consist of two components: A continuous fibre reinforcement, usually made of carbon or glass fibres, and a matrix material made of thermoplastic. The combination allows the advantageous properties of the two components to be exploited.
The type of fibre and the fibre architecture of the reinforcement material used can be customised to the application. Almost all thermoplastic polymers can be used as matrix material, from commodities such as polypropylene to high-performance plastics such as PEEK. In addition to the familiar carbon or glass fibres, other fibre types such as aramid, basalt or natural fibres can also be used as reinforcements.
The Ensinger Composites portfolio includes a wide range of different engineering and high-temperature plastics with continuous fibre reinforcement made of carbon fibres, glass fibres, synthetic or natural fibres. From materials such as prepregs and organosheets to stock shapes such as plates or even customised products - our experts will accompany you with expertise and many years of experience in the field of high-quality composite solutions.
From PP to PC to PEEK, almost all thermoplastic polymers can be used as matrix materials:
Various weave structures can be used for the reinforcing fabric. The type of fibre as well as the weave can be adapted to the specific application.
Ensinger also offers composites materials with special plastics, formulations and blends, including:
For other materials and combinations, please do not hesitate to ask us.
n order to further process semipregs, prepregs or organic sheets into thermoplastic composite components, we are at your side with a high level of expertise. More than 15 years of experience in the processing of thermoplastic fibre composites as well as in the development of the corresponding processes and tools make us a competent partner for your application.
Click here for more information on our prepregs & semipregs.
If you are looking for consolidated multilayer thermoplastic organic sheets, please visit our organosheet page.
Matrix materials such as PEEK, PEI and PPS are already used for structural and semi-structural aerospace parts such as clamps, cleats, interior parts and leading edges. Through Ensinger’s know-how the production of geometric complex parts based on the materials above is possible and opens up new opportunities in parts’ design.
Thermoplastic fibre composites are suitable for processes with short cycle times and are therefore ideal for semi-structural and structural applications in the automotive industry, such as panels, battery housings or under-floors.
The industrial applications of thermoplastic composites are manifold. They are characterised by their low weight and high stiffness, but also by the adaptability of their properties. The low coefficient of thermal expansion of composites enables tight tolerances in a wide temperature range, e.g. for robot handling systems.
The inherent strength, low weight and chemical resistance of thermoplastic composites based on PEEK and PEKK make them ideal candidates for applications such as surgical instruments, which require high strength and stiffness, X-ray transparency and resistance to the harshest sterilisation cycles.
The excellent chemical and thermal resistance of some thermoplastic polymers, combined with the mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced composites, can open up new applications for the oil and gas industry that would not be possible with other materials.
The intrinsic toughness of thermoplastic composites is a welcome additional property for all those sporting goods that are exposed to the risk of impacts and falls during use, such as mountain bike components. In addition, the automated manufacturing process enables high and stringent quality as well as cost-efficient production.
You can contact us personally, by our contact form, by email at [obfemailstart]Y29tcG9zaXRlc0BlbnNpbmdlcnBsYXN0aWNzLmNvbQ==[obfemailend] or by phone +49 171 8414506.