
POM machining

Machined POM parts from Ensinger

POM plastic, often referred to as acetal plastic, is one of the most widely used engineering materials in the world when it comes to producing machined finished parts. Ensinger uses mostly POM-H from DuPont™, also known under the brand name Delrin®.  

POM has high dimensional stability and good mechanical properties, that result in excellent machinability. POM CNC manufacturing (Delrin® CNC machining) is still considered the fastest and most precise method for the production of complex POM parts. Based on decades of experience in machining acetal and Delrin®, our team is able to achieve tight tolerances and high surface quality by utilising optimised processing parameters in POM turning (Delrin® turning) and POM milling (Delrin® milling).

Delrin® is a registered trademark of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company. Used by Ensinger in POM-H (TECAFORM AD). 

Acetal machining - POM plastics for machining

Our team manufactures machined acetal components from unreinforced POM in addition to many POM modifications:
Depending on the need, Ensinger can process POM semi-finished products that have been manufactured at one of our production sites globally, or we can machine external materials on request. 
In addition, Ensinger has the option of producing geometric near-net blanks using in-house injection molding capabilities for large quantities and complex components. This process can often save a lot of material and shorten throughput times.

Our team will be happy to advise you!

Machined POM parts - application examples

Lube spool made from TECAFORM AD black

Delrin was selected because of the excellent properties:

  • Light weight
  • Good chemical resistance to aviation oils, greases and fuels
  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • Good strength
  • Good machinability
  • Long service life

AR Application example: Trolley

You can take a closer look at Ensinger's trolley made of TECAFORM AH natural by zooming and rotating here: