Ensinger has announced the extension of its high performance, high temperature TECAPEEK product line, with the introduction of TECAPEEK SM Spin Molded Tubes. They are manufactured using Victrex® PEEK powder by newly acquired Ensinger Elekem in the United Kingdom.
Ensinger TECAPEEK SM tubes offer a variety of properties that benefit a wide range of applications, especially those within the oil and gas industry, where high temperature, mechanical strength and resistance to aggressive chemicals are key requirements.
In addition to oil and gas, TECAPEEK SM tubes are suitable for use in a variety of other markets as well such as hydraulic and fluid handling, paper manufacturing, chemical and aerospace industries. Typical applications include seals, back-up rings, bushings and bearings.
TECAPEEK SM tubes are particularly suited for sealing products such as back-up and split rings because they offer significant advantages in harsh environments. The material has high mechanical strength with double the pressure handling capacity of PTFE tubes. It also has very high creep resistance; more than 200 times that of PTFE, along with 10 times the compressive strength. Products manufactured with TECAPEEK SM tube can survive service temperatures in the range of -50°C to 260°C while maintaining high mechanical strength. Pressure ratings of 30,000 psi are not uncommon. High wear and abrasion resistance lead to suitability in sliding and rotating applications which can lead to a reduction in friction, increased efficiency and reduced maintenance while improving productivity.
The chemical properties of TECAPEEK SM tube also lend themselves to use in harsh environments along with resistance to high-pressure steam, most oils, chemicals and gases, as well as other fluids common in the oil and gas industry.
Through the use of fillers and additives, properties of TECAPEEK SM can be enhanced or modified to suit a particular application requirement. The material is custom made in a variety of tube sizes ranging from 36mm OD to as large as 535mm OD with typical tube lengths from 50mm to 500mm.
Ensinger Inc., USA
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Ensinger Ltd.
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Ensinger GmbH
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