In a broader sense, "ADI free" is often specified in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. The ADI specification states that no materials of animal origin were used (ADI free = raw materials contain no Animal Derived Ingredients). Materials with this specification are also free of TSE or BSE (TSE = Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy; BSE = Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy).
No animal substances are used in the formulation of our plastics. Plastics may, however, contain derived products or derivatives of animal origin. However, the additives are in turn exposed to temperatures of over 200 °C when the plastics are compounded into granulate and further processed. Because of these processes, it is difficult to imagine that thermoplastics with additives obtained by chemical transformation of animal raw materials contain active, transmissible TSE/BSE agents. We do not routinely test for the presence of these substances and analytical monitoring of possible contamination is not part of the outgoing inspection.
Please contact us directly if you have specific questions about individual plastics.
USP testing is a standard for evaluating and testing the biocompatibility of plastics. There are six classes in total, of which USP Plastic Class VI has the highest biocompatibility requirements. USP Class VI testing is designed to demonstrate that there are no harmful reactions or long-term physical effects from chemicals leaching from plastics.
The test is issued by the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), the organisation that establishes standards in the United States regarding the identity, quality, purity, labelling, packaging and storage of pharmaceuticals.
Ensinger has numerous products in its portfolio that meet the requirement and use USP Class VI tested raw materials.