Due to their outstanding properties, fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP), also known as composites, are already extremely relevant in numerous applications. Until now, composites made of combinations of continuous glass fibres (GFRP) or carbon fibres (CFRP) with a thermoset polymer matrix such as epoxy resin, so-called fibre-reinforced thermosets, have mostly been used. However, thermosets as matrix materials cannot meet the high demands of high-end applications in all cases.
A family of advanced composites offers more diverse application possibilities: thermoplastic composites. These are fibre-reinforced plastics that have a thermoplastic matrix instead of a thermoset matrix, also known as fiber-reinforced thermoplastic (FRTP). Thermoplastic composites consist of two components: A continuous fibre reinforcement, usually made of carbon or glass fibres, and a matrix material made of thermoplastic. The combination allows the advantageous properties of the two components to be exploited.
The type of fibre and the fibre architecture of the reinforcement material used can be customised to the application. Almost all thermoplastic polymers can be used as matrix material, from commodities such as polypropylene to high-performance plastics such as PEEK. In addition to the familiar carbon or glass fibres, other fibre types such as aramid, basalt or natural fibres can also be used as reinforcements.
The Ensinger Composites portfolio includes a wide range of different engineering and high-temperature plastics with continuous fibre reinforcement made of carbon fibres, glass fibres, synthetic or natural fibres. From materials such as prepregs and organosheets to stock shapes such as plates or even customised products – our experts will accompany you with expertise and many years of experience in the field of high-quality composite solutions.
Different carbon fibre fabrics are available:
Ensinger also offers composites materials with special plastics, formulations and blends, including:
For other materials and combinations, please do not hesitate to ask us.
The process of composite manufacturing begins with the grinding of the plastic granulate. The spectrum of thermoplastic polymers that can be ground into powders in-house ranges from engineering plastics such as PP, PA6 and PC to high-performance plastics such as PPS, PEI and PEEK. With their tight tolerances, the powdered materials meet the high demands placed on the application of modern composites.
The powder is then applied to textile semi-finished products, for example carbon or glass fibre fabrics, in the prepreg plant and subsequently melted and pressed. The resulting semi-finished product is called semipreg.
If the semipreg is then consolidated and impregnated by a double belt or step press, it is referred to as a prepreg. An organosheet is a multi-layer composition of prepregs that are consolidated.
Further processing of the semipreg materials into prepregs and organosheets takes place on Ensinger's own double belt press. With a working width of up to 1800 mm, the double belt press processes not only Ensinger's own thermoplastic semipregs but also unidirectional (UD) materials, UD cross-ply materials, laminates and sandwich laminates with various core materials such as foam or honeycomb. Various combinations of textiles and polymer matrix materials can be realised, including carbon, glass, aramid and natural fibres. Thermoplastic composites can thus be produced in high quantities on the double belt press.